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Game Title/URL: Chain Lightning

Information: An arcade-ish game where you have a magic grappling hook, and you can use its chain as a weapon.

I'd like feedback on: The sound effects, which need work, but I'd like to know what others feel about it. feedback on anything else would be good as well.

I need help on: The descriptions, both in-game and on the page; writing simple descriptions isn't something I'm good at. 

(1 edit) (+1)

I got an error showing 'Cannot read property 'getParameter' of undefined' when I try and run the game, think it's something screwy with my Chrome, tried in Edge and it worked well.  Interesting concept but thinks it needs another mechanic or too to keep it interesting.

I'm not sure what causes that error; it works fine on my Chrome, and a simple search doesn't reveal anything. The game is a bit simple right now, but I don't think I can get another mechanic implemented in time. If I return to work on it more, though, I'll add some more stuff, like you said!


that was pretty fun