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5th Day Update:

Missed out on a couple of days because of important family matters, but I can start working on the game again! The following was done today:

  • Made the first level (still a draft though);
  • Idea finalized! The game will be centered on speed running, interpreting the "free" theme as giving the player freedom to pick their path to getting their fastest route;
  • Made fall zones and initial design for platforms;
  • Parallax finished!; and
  • Made coins as well as coin animations when they are taken.

Here's a gif showing the current result for the game:

As it currently stands, the game reset if either of these two conditions are met:

  • All coins are collected; and
  • The player fell into the holes on the floor.

The final product will probably keep the "death by falling" mechanism and the player will win if they can collect all the coins in time. Numbers of stages will probably be around 3-4.

Things to do in the future:

  • Add enemies;
  • Add more levels;
  • Add a menu page; and
  • Add a timer and a coin score at the top of the screen.

Wish me luck!