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not so poggers. due to irl issues I wont be able to finish my game in this jam even though I really want to. I'm a minor and even though its school holidays (which is why I joined this jam) I'm moving so I have been busy packing up the house. I also wont have access to my pc during the last days of the jam, which I didn't plan for as I wasn't sure the dates where I had important events going on.

I am not giving up on my game though! I have a big project with a topic of my choosing that I need to do for school next year, and I think I want to make a game for it. So I have to have a demo for this game finished before ~August 12. Its much more time than a 2 week jam, but it should give me enough time! I want a demo of this one finished so that I can have some experience and a project already in my belt before I work on a year long assignment.

I wont be posting here anymore cause,, I'm not making this game for the jam anymore, but I will still be posting on my devblog over on tumblr! Wont be able to work on it too much because of how busy I will be, but when things get done they will be posted there! 

so I guess this is goodbye, goodluck to everyone! I'll be sure to check out the games when the jam ends :D