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For a "bashed together in two days" game that was shockingly good. There's some visible reuse that I recognized, but there was a lot more new content, and a much bigger variety of new content, than I thought. I thought the bin collection game was fun if difficult. I was pleasantly surprised to see that there was a story, cutscenes, and other gameplay segments with different mechanics.

For the most part, it's well done even if some parts are a little dysfunctional. I loved the intro, but it got a bit stale the third time after the game "crashed" and after it didn't seem to start. If there's one recurring issue it's that- delays that are a bit too long after something happens and leaves you wondering if the game broke or if something will happen (falling through the world was like this too). In the end though it's a pretty minor complaint.

I loved what the incinerator man gives you (and I don't want to spoil it for others).