OK, I have an issue.
In my project I made an option for players to choose their game target FPS (for different monitors and performance setups) and I adjusted all my object animations and move speeds using delta_time dependent global variable, just a simple multiplier that adjusts all speeds to the selected FPS. So in 144 FPS everything moves and animates at the same relative speed than in 60 or any other FPS (just more smoothly) . It works perfectly. But I can't find how I can adjust character drawing speed in the FC's textbox object. So at high FPS my dialogues are typing too fast.
Is there somewhere a variable or a forgotten magic number in the code that sets up a global typewriter speed or maybe somebody has another idea in mind how to adjust the typewriter's speed?
Edit: Also, how to set up a long dialogue text on multiple pages without breaking it in lots of "Lines"?