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Played through this game in 2 days.  Now that it is over I feel like a part of me died.  Possibly the part of me I liked the most.  I guess that is a danger with games like this.  The last time I felt this way was years ago when I finished playing Everlasting Summer.  The first visual novel game I ever played.  The sense of loss is far greater at the end of this game however than it ever was with E.S.  Please do not let my words of sadness mislead you though, Once In A Lifetime is by far the best experience I have ever had, with ANY game OR TV show.  My only sadness is that it is over.  It makes me think of that invention I imagined years ago to erase targeted memories so that people could experience their favorite books, games, movies, or tv shows all over again for the first time.  I understand that such a invention would inevitably be misused so it can never be, BUT if it did exist, I would use it and replay this game over and over, and again and again.  This game is simply amazing.  I found myself rushing past the sex scenes just to continue on with the story itself.  Not that I didnt love the sex scenes, without them the game would not be what it is.  To the author, I do not know if I should thank you for this magnificent experience, or curse you because it finally came to an end, but since all is darkness and void without life, I thank you for letting us all live this life even if only for a short time.   This game is a work of art, in my opinion no less worthy of admiration than the work of Da Vinci, Mozart, or Shakespeare.  Again I thank you.  l)J 

Thank you so much man!