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Hey there!

You must be wondering how to plant the tomatoes?

Well heres a tutorial I hope this helps ^^

Act 1 Let's get ready!

You should:

- Collect everything around 

- Don't go to the village yet

- Plant everything 

- Sleep until the plant grows

Act 2   Let's Talk

You should:

-   Go talk to   Gilbert (Tomato Person)

- Go talk to  Eric and give them the carrots  (Carrot Person)

Act 3  It's Time to Plant!

- Start to plant the   Green Bean Seeds in a circle like formation (its ok if it dies)

- Put the Tomato Seeds in the middle

- Repeat

- If you ran out  of Green Bean Seeds use Carrot Seeds 

- Sleep until it grows

-  If some didn't grow  its ok! harvest and try again

Act 4 Here you go!

- Give Gilbert (Tomato Person)

- Gilbert will Thank you and give you an item

✨ You Received an Axe  ✨

And thats where the game ends , I hope this helps someone! ^^