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8th Day Devlog:

Hello everyone! I'm currently still a bit sick, but nonetheless excited to finish the game!

Any who, I guess this is the final product for now. I added a speed run timer and a longer level (yay!). I got the idea for the timer from this YouTube video by Rungeon. Sad to say though, I have no idea how to move the timer to the Lose Scene or Win Scene. So unless I have a moment of brilliance by tomorrow, then I guess this is as far as I go. This was really fun to make and I hope for those of you that tries it out can show me how quickly you can beat the level. Here's a short clip showing a bit of the game:

I'll upload the game to my tomorrow if I got stuck and fail to find the solution for the timer issue. I will still upload it of course, because I absolutely enjoy the process of making the game so far. Hope I can join another game jam in the future!