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(1 edit)

How about making a game for the Life Fitness bike? I need to get back in shape!

On a more serious note, even though I can't answer the question conclusively, the rules state that SNES-era expansion chips are allowed.
I think SGB, scope, mouse etc. can be considered to be period-correct expansion devices, they're not explicitly forbidden and should therefore be permitted.

However, you might needlessly limit your audience by mandating non-standard input devices.
After the jam has ended, players will typically try the released games in quick succession.
A game that burdens players with additional configuration or can't be played on real hardware if they lack the required device might be a turn-off.

Regarding SGB games:

If it's a SNES game packaged inside a GB ROM with the corresponding SGB loader and you release a pure SNES ROM version alongside the GB version (which should be a relatively easy thing to do), I don't see a way to object that.

If it's a GB game that only runs on the SGB, I feel that's a bit of a stretch.

Just my two cents, though.

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Hi, I see things in a similar way, and think that a "SGB only" game should be allowed by the current rule as it's now clearly forbidden.

My intent is to make a SGB only game, that mainly run on the SGB and not a SNES Rom embedded in the SGB. I want to try to use the SGB feature regarding display (colors, the fact that you can display part of the border over the gameplay area, etc.) and audio (the library of embedded sound and audio engine) in a unique way, in a way that no commercial game did it during the 90's. A GB cart that can't be played on a GB would make no commercial sense then, but for such a retro development I think it could be a cool project :).

But I wanted to ask if it was OK before going too far in the project, and I can see that not everyone is ok with this "edge cas". I hope we can have an official answer from the compo organizer to see if it's ok or not.

Regarding accessibility, I actually though of it too, and I think requiring a SGB is less an issue than requiring a SNES mouse or a Super Scope. For one, the SGB is perfectly emulated in the latest versions of BSNES and Higan. And for real hardware, if you don't have SGB + GB flashcart, you can actually play the game directly on the SNES with a SD2SNES / FXPAK Flashcart, as it have a SGB core now :).