(Eclipse)*Pulls him up*
(R)SHIT *Comes back in and falls*
(Eclipse)*Falls on him*
*also falls* OW
(R)*Gets hard*shit............
(Eclipse)*Feels it*G GET UP!!!
Lye: (catches all 3 of you)
*falls off of them *ow
(Eclipse)*Gets up fast*
(R)guys its not what you think
Lye: I know
Laying on the floor *I I I I know
(R)*Helps her up*
h h hey e eclipse you s said you W were f female right?
(Eclipse)*Wakes up in the middle of the night gets up and walks to bathroom*
(Rocky)*See's her*
Lye: I cant let you guys fall-
(Eclipse)Yea thanks sir
Lye: No problem
(R)so now what
Lye: You guys hungry?
Lye: (gives both of them their favorite food)