(R)*Chocking while getting up*
BABE *patting back*
(R)i im ok
*blank faced as I look at my wrists *
(R)b babe?
*I had already slit them thinking she was dead* *faints*
(R)*Healing kiss* -.-
*still out*
(R)Welp i better go find help *Leaves*
*5 minutes later *
Venus: (kissing body pillow of Levi ackerman) I love youuu-
(holy shit he’s hot)
yep def buying
bruh stop capping obviously Houtarou Oreki is more hot 🤨
(really -.-)
Look at him and say I'm wrong
(He is cute)
That's cap Houtarou Oreki is more hot I mean LOOK AT HIM
Mightyena: yeah sometimes he just does that
(R)Oh hey did not see you there *Still naked*
Mightyena: (nose bleeds) X////X
(R)y you ok?! *Wipes off his nose*
Mightyena: y-your not wearing clothes