Mightyena: NO SHE'S MINE FUCK OFF- (shoots mewtwo) nah jk
(R)ok then-
(M)*Slaps him*NO
Mightyena: (dodges) YO I SAID JK FUCK OFF-
(R)*sneaks away but trips and falls*ow! >~<
b b b babe a a re you o ok
I I I’m d done I I don’t know how much more stress I can take
(R)yea *Gets up totally fine*-.-
Mightyena: nah I'm not JK she's mine ahaha (grabs rocky and runs away at light speed)
(M)*Teleports in front of him*nope *Grabs her*
Mightyena: (jumps over mewtwo still with rocky in his hands)
(R)w where are we even going?
(M)Damn it
Mightyena: We're going wherever you wanna go m'lady