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ProTip: Not all otome has to cater to your specific desires.

This is just as petty/childish as when people complain about otome games having female romance options, or men who fall outside of their "type".

(1 edit) (+10)

Wow, seriously. Didn't knew. It is not  specific desires, such "surprises " is a quite rare thing for otome. At least for now... Otome always was a  het genre in the first place - but suddenly it becomes for everything. Yuri is still yuri and doesn't include men, BL is genre without women as love interests, but otome suddenly became a genre for everything. wow.  I'd rather be bitter and childish than to be  fujoshit who happily watching gay party from the corner.


Some of us otome fans are bi.

(1 edit) (+12)

So?  yuri ,BL games is not enough for you? I said otome is het genre .And I said inclusivity only touched this genre but not the others. Where is het romances in yuri and yaoi? 


Bisexuality, Pansexuality and Polysexuality have their place in Otome Games. 
They are not to be considered purely Yuri or Yaoi... for obvious reasons. 

Leianora, I suggest you take some time and read about Bi, Pan and Poly, and stop judging harshly a game over a branch of sexuality you don't understand. 


 I'd rather spend time for searching het otome specifically  . Quite a challenge now.


I'm with you on this. That is what yuri and yaoi is for. It seems people aren't satisfied if gay, bi etc isn't in everything though. Funny how they say don't judge and yet they can't respect your straight otomes. Thanks for the warning though, won't be playing this as I too am not interested in this type of otome.


And yet y'all are the ones that are coming in here disrespecting a game made for queer audiences. Don't talk about "respect" when you're downvoting a game just because it had a bi character.

Deleted 78 days ago

Why on Earth should I care who an LI was with in the past lol. Do y'all refuse to date anyone with a sexual history?