Wow this is pretty amazing and innovative. The multi-purpose lance is really killer. It feels great to move and attack. The ability to use the lance as a vertical jump or horizontal speed boost is perfect. I could see this being a great speed-runner game if the level design is cleaned up and maybe there's more juice. If a level is designed for me to move down or left, there could be improvements in some way to help me feel confident I'm not jumping into a death pit or an enemy without knowing. The one boss is pretty solid as I found jumping 2 then boosting over him intuitive, but it was confusing whether I was damaging him or not and where his hurtbox was.
I love the upgrade system, but after beating 2 levels I had around 3k money while I needed 7.5k or 10k. What's the plan for giving the player more max bullets? Doesn't that change level and gameplay design quite a bit?