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The player will be able to modify the world, but will it be possible to create new assets (tree, chest, etc...) with mini-voxels for example

Haha, that question has given me many sleepless nights, i'm kinda glad you've asked as I have no idea how to approach it and i've kinda been avoiding it. The environment details are created in MagicaVoxel, an awesome (free!) voxel modelling application. As you have guessed they are not part of the terrain engine (currently).

Worst case? I keep the set up how it is now. MYMMO is going to be be moddable. With that in mind the very keen designers could create their own assets in MagicaVoxel (or any 3D modelling tool in fact) and import them into the game. How easy this is to do would depend on how good the modding tools are. Steam workshop integration would be great and I think how Cities:Skylines done it is fantastic. A major problem for me here is that there will be textures and block types that are "hardcoded" as it were in these models that aren't available in the terrain editor. Want that cool red leaf block from the Blood Leaf Tree? Nope, you can't use it by itself with this system :(.

Best case (arguable!) All models (excluding animated things like the players and mobs) are handled by the voxel engine. Upsides are obvious - full design control in game. Downsides:

  1. Smaller voxels = longer generation and more data to get through.
  2. Supporting two voxel sizes might be difficult to implement. Although, i'm kind of already doing this, I have to support the external models, making sure they are scaled appropriately and that the colour palettes match.
  3. Increased complexity from a UI point of view.
  4. If you build a wizards tower, you probably want the AI to appreciate that it's where the wizard should go. How does the engine know that those random voxels are part of the wizards tower? You would need tools to be able to define the building type. But then, could you create a random pile of dirt and call it the auction house? Eh... sounds messy.
So there you go, prompting me to articulate the problem has been very helpful, thanks for that! I'm kinda edging on the side of 'worst case' at the moment, although that could quite easily change if feedback, especially once the alpha build is out, convinces me otherwise. Maybe there's a half way house, where you can go into a separate mode outside of the game but still within the engine to design the assets. What would you do :)?
Also, what are the target platforms ?
It's built in Unity so it should be straight forward enough to release on Windows, OSX and Linux.