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Hey, I will add my general feedback as I play, so here (edit after playing: the game is good, this are just some general QoL problems I found):
- You probably should change the scrolling speed for the resolution settings, it's awfully slow
- The same goes for what I guess is called 'alpha notes', but I am not sure because the spanish translation seems a bit weird. Basically the patch notes.
- Nevermind, every scroll has that problem.
- In the 'tool upgrade' panel in the spanish version, one of the <color=numbers> is visible
- I played with the Oda clan, and idk if I am dumb or something, but my units felt a bit underpowered(one hoplite decimated an archer and a lancer)
- I would appreciate a slider showing the progress of an upgrade in the UI (instead of just having it in the 3d model) since I first struggled to notice the one in the map
As I said in the edit, the game is good and it has lots of room for growing and potential, those are just some little nuances that would make the experience better overall imo


Thanks for the feedback friend, really appreciated it!

I'll try to address these problems asap, the scrolling speed is the default one (the one every scroll-able panel has by default in Unity), so sure I'll change it so one can properly scroll things down/up rather than drag and drop.

Regarding the alpha notes section (notas de alpha, or notas de alfa, or notas de version temprana de pruebas in Spanish) is not one pointing up updates nor any type of changelog but actually just a note regarding the overall alpha status of the game, most of the text, the entire thing actually, is just static text left there in case someone who liked the game enough, and with too much free time, wanna read it, I'll later change it into a short one page one, and will also change the static tutorial for an interactive mini-match.

I'll look into the <color> one for sure, according to what you said, I understand you found it in the description (inside the panel showed after hovering over an upgrade called something like "tool upgrade"), is that correct? Just so I can easily locate the issue.

The Oda clan features a different kind of gameplay, early on units are weaker for sure compared to Roman ones, but the spearmen are faster to move and train. I'll still look into balancing them more. And will also look into showing a progress bar within the actual main UI rather than only over the 3D model.

As said before, feel free to point up any other issue you found, suggestions of any kind are welcome too, and same goes to the Spanish version (if you found it wrong or less natural for example, and know about cool changes to make it better, feel free to tell me, same goes for English too). 

Thanks again friend!


Regarding the balancing, don't take me too seriously since I am still trying to get the gist of the game.
About the color one, I think it is where you mentioned, though I don't remember exactly.
I will definetly try it again later to see if I have any more meaningful feedback.