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Hey! Because I don't know where to begin with rating a game, I just want to tell you that I played your game.

I really liked parts of this. I picked up the item that we don't get to know what is, and it really worked in such a way that I spontaneously used it when informed about it, which fits with the narrative. Because I got the feeling of "oh no. I get what I actually did".

However I disagree with your choice of subject matter for a Gamejam. There's not enough time to explore something like this. So it just depressed me, and made me concerned that there's someone out there, suffering over such an experience, while I don't get the satisfaction of a good story/experience, for going through it, because it was made in Gamejam time.

Your decision to make everything a noise texture, but still discernible and colorful, was enjoyable.


So happy for your feedback, though apologies for depressing you XD 

Yeah, as usual I planned way more game than I made. Weirdly that 'key' puzzle was a last minute decision; originally you just started out in that fight with even less context. I never actual got to my intended Lvl1, which involved possessing a child, having to argue, and lose, to your parents, and win by ending the night with a good video game (some kind of lesson on minor victories or something).

The 'cop' was going to assign you to help people win their battles, after he opens his jaw 180 Degrees to reveal a spirit flame thing inside that's actually controlling him. The noise idea came late but worked out really well since it adds to a sense that from the spirit's perspective, having a noncorporeal mind, his world is hard to decipher, hence not recognizing the knife. Later the game's walls, as shown in the end, were going to be curtains (possibly organic veiny ones...), to give the idea that your mind is filling out blanks where it can.

This game was going to be fucking bizarre, and pretty dark. I feel like the former would've offset the latter and the tone changes; the 'cop' was going to be quite enigmatic and cheeky; their relationship itself was meant to be part of the backdrop. The game originally ended with a battle with your mirror; as an insecure person trying to meet their own gaze; and winning.

The game evolved into something very introspective on my part. I gained some more insight on how my ambitions falters at my anxiety and depression; Despite getting very involved and excited in this, I found myself drained quite a lot and unwilling to work on it. But in hindsight I think this is the most completed project I've made so far. Realizing the development of this 'game' in itself was an improvement to my abilities and personal growth was probably what kept me from quitting, rather than trying to have something to turn in.

^And if you made it through all that you've done me 2 kindnesses now X'D