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(1 edit)

the game looks cool, unfortunately the game lacks a lot of stuff, the exit is not visible, is looks like any other wall, the item (tourch) seemed like a background object, until i realized there isn't much else in the room i tried picking it up, the dark room wasn't very hard due to the room being so small, so there weren't much of a challenge, the silent audio was quite.. well..(not very innovative), but let's say it's to match the scary feeling of being alone in a dungeon.

anyways, the game does not offer much to be able to judge, i believe this is your first jam isn't it?

well i can give you a point for having no bugs on the game, keep up working, and you will get better over time!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the comment. This is actually my fourth jam. I just couldn't think of a proper game idea until there are only 6 hours left for the jam lol, so not much has been done on the first two days.

oh i see, well that is not bad for 6 hours!

i'd say next time just try doing something and the idea will come to you by itself, you don't need to think about it to get it, if you make something and play with it a bit the idea can popup to your mind!