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Hey there, thanks for the reply. I've only recently begun programming (in Python; no experience with Javascript), so looking for solutions on Stack Overflow was the best I could do.

If my suggestion re: keypress vs. keycode didn't work, all I can think of is a clumsy workaround: Allow players to map their controls, i.e. instead of asking players which button they want to press for up/down/left/right/jump/shoot, here ask them which button to press for question mark, period, dash, full stop, etc.

That's not a bad idea, but requires a bit of work implementation-wise. I ended up just replacing the ? and :'( characters with text. Hope you can enjoy the rest of the game!

(1 edit)

Hey there, I tried the game again (on, if these are different versions), and from what I can tell, there are still tons of special characters in the last two recipes. In "Pan-Asian Lunch", the Friturier "wipes away a single tear" once, which consists of pure special characters, and the patissier says "yum?" once, with a question mark. I haven't been able to progress much in the last recipe, but from what I can tell, it's similarly filled to the brim with special characters.

Also, I no longer get the music in Chrome, but that problem may be on my end (or due to a browser extension or something).

Anyway, I've had my fill of the game, and I understand if you want to move on to other projects. Just wanted to let you know.

Hi there, thanks for the report, and sorry for the delay (been traveling the past few weeks so unable to code!)

You are correct that and were running two different versions. My apologies! I've updated the game to be the same version on all sites, so the special characters should now be removed. Thanks for your patience and all the bug reports!