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Oh! You are absolutely right. In my search for a fix, I wound up confusing the two issues. With your clarification I was able to fix the exported MacOS app (I hope! It works for me now at least), although it still says it is from an unidentified developer, just like you said it would. I added a note to my game's description.

Thanks a bunch for your help, I really appreciate it!

I tried playing it. It says "unable to find game!!"

I really feel like I'm stringing you along and you're my personal tester at this point! :p I'm looking into why this could be the problem.   Based on my initial findings, it seems to be something that sporadically pops up with Game Maker games here and there. You may have success moving it to the desktop or another folder, but no guarantees. I'm taking the mac version down again. Really sorry it didn't work out! Thank you for continuing to try, that means a lot.

No problem. I've acted as a tester for games in the past so if you need any help in the future, just let me know.