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As mentioned in the #metagamejam text channel on discord, I'll list all the bugs and workarounds that I put in:

  • The boss is not on a fixed floor, He randomly appears when you kill enough monsters (likely the reason some of you couldn't find him :P)
  • The terminal (on my machines) would occasionally not print all the lines it could. No clue why.
  • The entire codebase is <1000 lines of java, with libraries downloaded as .jars from maven central (It's using maven libraries without using maven scripts)
  • I only really spent a week on it (but 3 weeks planning).  I planned story a week before the jam, planned gameplay in the first week of the jam (while coding it all up) and made a decently playable roguelike. By the end of week 1, the code was completely scrapped (and the story), and I started working on what the game is now.

Thank you all for playing X:\>