Hey there Niven, I have been trying to play your game but for some reason it will not boot up. Any suggestions?
Hello, thanks for showing interest in my game.
If you have a high performance PC, it's likely that the game has issues, because it's made with BGE, although, many other lower quality PC's do usually boot the game. You just need to press .exe file. As for the problem in the game, the menue shows written words and prompts next to i - little white columns, in order to start the game you click on those columns.
I hope that helps.
Thank you for getting back to me. Hmmmm... Unfortunately not. I went into the game files and search .exe to find the specific file. Every time I try to open the game from the game files, a small window pops up with some text but quickly disappears. I am not exactly sure what the issue is. My pc is in between high and low performance