So i've finished the last version of this great game and now i have a couple of things to notice. First of all, THANK YOU for making this awesome game. I'm a big fan of this genre. The visuals are great, the gameplay is fine but///
|Adding the feet only category is a simple yet brilliant idea that actually made me to write this essay about game problems|
(1) The design of some levels shows that devs were not actually making "anger foot" possible to play like this:
|The game becomes unreasonably harder|
The best examples are 1*3 and 3*3 levels(actually there is bit more but they are not that critical. )
1*3 : the corridor with two UZIs gives you no chances. You have either good time or no weapons run.
Trying to make both leads to praying for luck timing or bad shots of goos. There are also no objects to "throw" at them (the ones that stand next to the wall can't be thrown because they are to heavy, boxes can be destroyed by kick, so they won't help to). Something like chair or a box in the middle of room. Or why can't i just kick a light bulb at them?
3*3: Starting with pistol is the indicator of "no foot theory". The only chance here is to either run behind the
first door in front of you, waiting for bad guys, or using kind of "feature"\bug (Goos won't shoot at you until you look at them, just walk backwards to one of them and do 360)

-"but you always can stop for a sec and wait for them to come closer. be smart!"
-"no way fag, i hate every second of my life stayin' still and not beating shit out of them"
(2) lock on\lock off and lucky shots
When you appear in front of Purple hoody enemy, you have about a second before the first shot, so you can run towards and kick him or try to doge. If you hide behind the wall just before he shoots, the hoody locks on youand will prefire the MC the next time he see you(you will be hit for the majority of times). It is really annoying especially when there are two or three of them at once(instakill).
(3) |"You say that you've passed the level using only legs, then why you holdin' a gun?"|
(not a big problem actually but still can cause a missclick and fail try)
(4) You can forget about everything that I wrote above, but please make a medal for time. Then i'll be happy.