(R)AWW welp i'm single now my bf killed himself so.........i guess i can stay with Mightyena
Mightyena: aww I'm sorry to hear that rocky (hugs)
Firewhin: (walking downstairs)
(R)thanks *Hugs back*
(B)*Grabs my stick and lights it on fire*hm
Firewhin: *sigh* what was he even talking about a girlfriend, he knows nobody likes me *walks back upstairs into a room*
(B)*Follows him*
Firewhin: alright, I've been practicing this, AND NOW, BLAST! (Throws a giant explosion of fire everywhere)
Firewhin: Thanks I guess
(B)y yup
(R)What you wanna do ?
(B)So now what?
Mightyena: dunno.
Firewhin: Wanna get to know eachother