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All routes held a place in my heart: Solis with his lost puppy face (the MC helped him find self-awareness and made him a better version of himself because of it), Sekheo who I couldn't help feeling for (finding a connection without being a black hole is extremely difficult and lonely, I couldn't imagine the pain of being in his position), and lastly Valle, my absolute favorite because of his chemistry with the MC, his roguish charms, and I felt like I could relate to him the most (his yearning for a sense of self-identity and freedom).  <3

Besides the lovable characters, I also really enjoyed the story and background of Celestia, trying to find a celestial partner was a new, utterly romantic concept. Thanks for the time and effort put into creating this enchanting story. I'm looking forward to more projects from you all in the future >_<


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts! It's a bit silly maybe but I got the idea for Celestia when I was staring at a very starry sky. I thought, what if one of the stars descended? What would it say to me right now? And from there I developed the main concept and world of Celestia.

I'm grateful that our team could bring this world to life! If you enjoyed this game then you might also enjoy of ice and snow, although the game is much shorter, it has some similarities in tonality. :^)

I hope you enjoy the future projects of Jellyfish Parade!