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Hello guys! Is anyone still working on this game?

Anyway, I'd just like to congratulate everyone who has worked on it so far! It's amazing! I've been playing it for 3 days straight now and I absolutely love it! It's such a breath of fresh air to have a protagonist who actually has a personality! (although Robin's might be a little too much at times... haha - but I still love her <3 ) I've laughed and cried with this game and I'm so grateful that you all have put in so much effort to make this game, thank you all wonderful people! <3 I feel like I've found a real gem here.

That being said, I've found some error bugs and weird french grammar on this game and I wonder if I should post them here? 

Hi! Glad you like it. I'm still working on the game. I guess I'm on hiatus because my job at work blew up on me.

Feel free to post anything you'd like here, or if you want you can email me directly: maselphie AT gmail.

Thanks :)
I'll send you an email then, so I don't drown you in code here. hehe