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Quite a good game

Welle crafted by the way

i was alone a multi player game for game jam not the perfect choice if you want feedbacks (especially during this covid time).

Maybe something to improove is to get a score at the end of each game to see how many cells was eaten by each brain so it will drive the competition. Now it seem arbitrary in the fire of action some player could feel it frustrated or unfare.

it was also good to add some randomness to the movement good idea.

Thanks for the feedback!  I agree doing a multiplayer game like this probably wasn't the best idea if I wanted to get some constructive feedback,  but it was a game idea I wanted to attempt making anyway that fit in with the theme.

Good call on the score display, I'll look into adding that in a future update.  Listing scores had crossed my mind but I didn't make it s much of a priority as I probably should have while developing.


yhea i understand everything must fit in this smal amount of time. If by any chance you get a bit of time i would also apreciate your feedback on my submission.


Absolutely! Though I'll have to wait until I'm back at home later this evening.