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(1 edit) (+4)

Really good FPS with innovative gameplay. Malware is addictive. I liked the main aesthetic which is clean enough so as to fight in the best condition. Mechanics work well as expected. I noticed some bugs with colliders, especially when the player jumps and falls on an edge. Pressing the forward key you can stay in place without falling. I guess that you could fix it without any problem. I played many times so that I understood how to increase my score - but I assume that I missed something. It is a little bit frustrating. Maybe you could explain briefly how to manage a good score. I ran quickly, shooting all bots, picking up all weapons - but I cannot exceed 22000 points (honorable score). The main music track is a little bit too repetitive and after a while, it annoys me. Just a suggestion : have you tested the same gameplay, but with a player who can jump higher? It seems to me that you could increase the main gameplay allowing the player to jump all around the rooms. Not something too irrational, but allowing more space ingame (remember Quake). The player jumps as if he has some lead's soles. This is another thing which is frustrating when I play.  Overall, I like your project and I wish you the best development. Really I could buy it on Steam for a few bucks. It deserves a good community around itself. So I stay tuned ++


Hi Gecko, you don't know how happy we are to receive such feedback! It really gives us the motivation for continuing to improve the gameplay and experience we want to offer players. 

Yes, we have some bugs with colliders and we actually fixed many others in the past weeks eh eh.  WELL, you got the point. We have a main bug related to the scoring system. Sometimes you earn points after dying without any reason. With a total score of 22000, you did pretty well tho! Absolutely yes, we tried many ways and we wanted to improve the player controller system. We are also planning to add some elements to offer a greater gameplay experience. Higher jumps could be implemented in one of the future updates.

Thank you for your kind words and such great analysis, have fun and... RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!


I know how a good feedback can give us more motivation. Good luck ++