not sure what version you used or what you're smoking, but fishing (silk = 25% bonus) is *NOT* anywhere close to being that profitable. [1 fish =3 gold] (keep in mind you still need to feed your troops---meat/fish/grain etc---if FISH, then 5 workers [@3 fish each] need 15 fish/day; if unlucky, & they eat 4+, then more 20; [chances are some eat meat/grains] ) -----once you get Hi Physics---but 1st two weeks (low physics hard to get much silk anyway!) not possible; (BTW meat also pays 3/each)
-Hints: Upgrade to *STEEL* (35% bonus) Tools (Hammer/axe/Pickaxe) ASAP: Faster resources = more $$, upgrades, etc; (can always sell Iron/cloth/wood/ etc for money for bank] (if you can find/buy Mythril (.4), Dragon Bone (.45) , or even Adamantine (.55 )! early on, it's worth it)
2nd hint: Do as many Quests as soon as possible (fighters/workers (supply) Mages); Once you get enough Guild points & start on the path to Mayor, the bank leaves you alone; (if bad luck not enough or the wrong Quests available!)
PLUS, SAVE $$$ anywhere you can! (you're a land/mansion owner, but a poor one deeply in debt)
Last: Bank comes *ONLY* on: 14/28/50 [?] days 14th--$1k due; 28th--$3k due; (so sell stuff day before or early morning;)
The "Advanced" start skips all this bank craziness! :-) [loan amounts & repayments are INSANE!]