Well thank you much for ur constructive criticism. But just to imply this was just a project I used to learn the unity engine a little and I figured people would rather have something then nothing. And I state in the description it is very buggy. This was moreso a tech demo for me to see what I COULD do in unity and what i was capable of Learning. It was a learning experience to say the least of it. But the reason why the bugs are all included is because before I could get to fixing them, with what I learned, I actually had a problem and lost all data to the game and source file. So I I only had the finished game and didn't have the file to edit it in the editor. You will be happy to know I did learn a lot with this experience, and I took on a whole 2d to 3d world going on in chapter 2. Mechanics will be tweaked to be more fun. But, as everyone here knows game development for someone who has never done it before and a single man team taking on a project is a task in itself. But I am learning everyday and trying my best of course to make things better as time goes on. But I AM very much aware of all the glitches and bugs, also annoyed MYSELF I lost all the data to fix them. Especially now that I do have the knowledge to fix them easily. I might just rebuild this level in the future but for now, it is for the archive! Gonna keep looking forward to the future and progessing!