Well you go to https://denki.itch.io/autonauts then click <download now> at the top left .
Then you can choose rather or not you want to support the developers by donating or not.
If you want to ,click on <pay witch paypal> or any other payment method and follow those steps.
If you dont ,just click on <no thanks ,just take me to the downloads> and click the download button for your system.
After that the game should be downloading,
Then you go to your download folder and open the zip-file <autonauts-version...>.
In this folder you will find the <Autonauts> task and you open that.
Then a window will pop up and you press <extract all>, select the extraction destination and click on <extract>.
After that the <autonauts-version...> file will open again , you can click on the <Autonauts> Unity file and the game will launch.
Hope this helps and you can leave the game a good rating ;).