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(3 edits)

Just out of curiosity, is it possible to transfer the save file from the browser version to the desktop version? I'd like to play it off-browser if possible, but not if I have to re-do all of that work again...

Update: Upon further investigation, I've found that this game uses IndexedDB to store its data, in a database named "localforage" (ha-ha), so I started up the desktop version, built the starter deck, saved, closed the game, and then ran `sudo updatedb` followed by `locate indexeddb`, noting that all indexeddb entries on my filesystem contain "indexeddb.leveldb" at the end of the directory name for the given database. I found two directories of interest:

1. /home/braden/.config/chromium/Default/IndexedDB/https_v6p9d9t4.ssl.hwcdn.net_0.indexeddb.leveldb

2. /home/braden/.config/Dungeon/Default/IndexedDB/chrome-extension_hdafelngejkamllnafekfdmkffiafpjk_0.indexeddb.leveldb

So to test if #2 was the desktop version (why it didn't store in .config/Tofu Tower, I have no idea) by backing up the contents and deleting it, then restarting the desktop game.  I confirmed and then attempted to copy the browser data, but the game didn't accept it and also went to a new game, so I restored the backup. Evidently, there is some sort of "security" in the indexeddb, which I find kinda retarded but eh, if you need to protect the integrity of your cookies, I get it. For the purposes of a game, though, this is useless and it probably should have just used localStorage.

At this point: I see two potential solutions

1. You make an import/export feature for save data so that the user doesn't have to be an I.T. expert to transfer the data. One easy way would be to store the variables to be saved in an object and JSON.stringify() it, when when importing data, JSON.parse() it.

2. I find a way to edit an IndexedDB in a way that doesn't get rejected by the game, so that I can manually copy over the key/value pairs shown in my chrome dev tools.

I would strongly prefer the first solution.

Update 2: solution 2 is not working at all. The file 000003.log, which contains the actual save data, is formatted in some esoteric binary format that not only does my OS not recognize, but I can't even find software to deal with this format. Inspecting it in a hex editor just reveals obnoxious patterns that are seemingly designed to make it annoying to edit manually.

So an in-game solution for backing up and restoring saves is definitely necessary. Please consider adding one.