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(2 edits) (+4)

umm so like in the epilouge there's xyx...

does the game actually have his route?

not like route per say. like we just ended up with him or smth. like HOW DO I GET THEREEEEEEEEEEEEEE??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

and umm bigLady? can i see more of her? idk how but like arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

mmm im pretty sure theyre working on xyx's route as someone in the comment section mentioned so yeah and im also looking forward to it THEYRE ALL SO HOT LIKE I CANT and yeah i guess biglady is not going to be another one of the routes i think? but i woud be so happy if she was i love her and everyohne else in the bloonini server EXCEPT you know who lmao


agreeed!!!!!!! Like yeah i love everyone and slaomi(hopefully thats right) i want a wise "future is brighter than you think" kinda old man too as my friend. and big lady and everyone ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH 

yea i get u i love them 2 lol


omg are you tlaking about salociN? LMAO because yes like i want someone like him as my grandpa as well!! ANHD YES I LOVE EVERYONE THERE SM we all do hehe