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Hello I played your game and let's get into business here is my review:

The game has a nice feel I wished I see a stormy weather while navigating but I tried every star puzzle at the cabin.. I could never make one work. My progress ended all the same with every block I chose.

Your Demo is very nice and I can see towards where your ideas are leading. The only thing I miss is a guide telling you what you should do and I think a Quest Marker plugging or something like an event you create to guide the player in the game would be a nice addition. I know time was short but you did a lot for me to end up saying that the Ideas are there and I look forward to an update in the future because I really like your creativity.


Thanks for giving it a try!

I will look into implementing different levels of difficulty... if I actually will be able to work on the game in the future, that is. Since I was using a contest's version of the engine, it may be impossible.

If you ever will be in the mood to try it out again, I recommend starting with the third constellation; it's the easiest one.