Well, this is more a typescript question. What i normally do if i want to have some global variable/function is keep them in a separated namespace, for example:
namespace Game {
export let Camera : Sup.Camera = Sup.getActor('Camera').camera;
And with that you could get the camera from any script, or change it if you want.
class PlayerBehavior extends Sup.Behavior {
camera : Sup.Camera
awake() {
this.camera = Game.Camera;
// Or if you want to change it.
Game.Camera = this.actor.getChild('Camera').camera; // Assuming that its a camera.
Now, if what you want is access a behavior variable from another class, you could do something like this:
// Yeah, i like using the Game namespace... namespace Game { export let EnemiesB : EnemyBehavior[] = []; }
class EnemyBehavior extends Sup.Behavior { name : string; awake() { Game.EnemiesB.push(this) } }
then, you could access all enemies related variables using a loop or something
class PlayerBehavior extends Sup.Behavior {
awake() {
for(let enemy of Game.EnemiesB) {
// Again, you can change it here if you want
enemy.name = "something";
Additionally to all this, Superpowers have a built-in function to access the behavior o a known actor, but it haven't worked for me so you will have to wait to someone else to explain that.