Thank you for the Replying, DyneWulf once i became a Patron, i found the answers too this questions in the FAQ, so my apologies for asking,
thanks for the repose again i am looking forward too seeing what comes from you. you have been able too create characters that i care for and input many emotions so that is amazing work, i even rant too my mate about the story and the characters .
I do have one small dislike towards the current gameplay atm, (understanding it is still a work in progress so my apologies if you find this in bad taste) I find it a shame that once you have chosen a route with a certain charter you are unable too get out it and explore a different route , for example i have a huge dislike to the Darius ( i don't like his personality) that is my personal taste and I can see that others out there like him however i would like liked to stop his route and try with a different route, for example Spencer i thought it would of been a great oppunity that Mc and Spencer could express there feeling for one another and go into Spencers route kinda similar too how it was in Spencers original route , but even when i Expressed that i did not have feeling for him the game play continued on making it out that i did, My thoughts would be if you could please incorporate a way too end a route midway and start a new one,. not knowing about how its coded not sure if that would be possible so late in development but just something i thought just took away from the whole experience,
but please don't get me wrong I'm a huge fan of the game/ VN and your writing, so well done, i am looking forward too seeing more and can't wait until the game is finished.
Thank You,