Thank you for playing! So you banished 38 demons, the world is now a much better place. Unfortunately yes there were no incremental changes. What kind of incremental changes would you have added?
As for having a physical end, that's how the game was designed right up until the last minute, and then I wondered what would happen if people wanted to keep playing? I could add a replay button but what if people wanted to keep their coins? I ended up just making it endless.
In response to your notes:
1. I agree, it doesn't make sense to just be an empty void. I tried getting to loop but it wasn't working and I was running out of time so I just left it. I also thought about making a "dense" forest around the edge that you couldn't pass through but there's no chunking or vertex batching whatsoever so I didn't have the spare fps to implement it.
2. That's very true, I never even thought about that. Do you mean a separate type of attack that you have to charge? Or that the main attack uses charge and therefore cannot be spammed? I can sympathise that clicking constantly is going to get tiring quickly. Perhaps I just built an immunity to it during testing and now my finger is really strong so I didn't notice. I agree it's not optimal.
Thank you for taking the time to write the feedback! It's really helpful to me