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You play as an ambitious, yet humble young worm.  You slowly move around a map and try to dodge the birds and other dangers that seek to eat you. There's some interesting shading going on in the maps. I suppose it's better than not having any shading at all.

At some point you enter a pond and the game becomes a huge ice puzzle. (Not really ice, but if you are familiar with some RPGS you may know what I'm talking about, where you slide across the screen until you hit a wall.) There isn't really much of a challenge but it varies up the gameplay which is a good thing.

I like the sprites especially the caterpillar on a leaf, that was cute. 

The whole storyline is kind of ridiculous but in a very fun and playful way. Intentionally ridiculous. 

I like the custom art put in even though it feels very basic and rushed.  (Most game jam art is rushed)

The BGM is very quiet and the SE are super loud, maybe default the SE to be 40% or 20% before you start.

The game gets really hard when you get to the bee hive and it took many attempts to get past this part. 

There's really not much 'game' to this, beside some map movement and event dodging. The music and SE volume levels are really really far apart, and I found myself adjusting my volumes multiple times, that's probably my biggest gripe with this project.

Overall it's a very cute entry into the jam, I don't think that coolsnale is expecting to win with this entry, but it's got an uplifting and ridiculous(in a funny way) story, and I mildly enjoyed it.

Congratulations on completing a game for the jam and I'm sure you've learned a few tricks along the way. Good job! :)


Thanks for the feedback! This was my first project and I had a great time making it. I'll be sure to work on audio normalization in the next one :).