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Game constantly crashes after updating to v0.9 on Android/Chromebook. v0.8 worked fine but now it just crashes every time I try and load a save; both from the saves it seems to come with, and the ones I copied from the last version (after deleting the ones it comes with). All the saves show up in the loading menu but as soon as I try and load one it just shuts down. I also tried starting a new game, deleting the "persistent" game save and restarting, and reinstalling 3 different times. I've been able to just copy previous saves over after deleting an old version/installing a new one on other games; unless the dev notes that won't work such as with the recent update to Lucky Paradox. Sorry for the long winded comment, but I've tried quite a few things so far on my own with no luck. Anyone had this problem and/or can suggest a fix? 

(PS this comment in no way is meant to put the game down; it's a great game which is why I was looking forward to the update and am frustrated that it's not working for me. It starts a bit slow, but has become one of the more complex and deep AVNs I've had the pleasure of playing.)


Is there a log.txt in the game's directory and if so, what does it contain?

(1 edit)

Yes there is. It's long af tho. I only saw one 'error' that said - Importing _renpysteam: ImportError('No module named _renpysteam',)

I've seen this error before and that user resolved it by doing a Windows software update. Alternatively you could run the game while holding the Shift key and choose "Screen" under the framerate section. It could be an issue related to (out of date) graphics drivers. See this thread for reference:


I was playing it on my Chromebook so it wasn't a Windows issue. I never figured out how to resolve it so I just put it on my PC and copied my last save over. Thankfully the game save from Android works fine on PC so I'll just play it that way. I do appreciate your willingness to help, and I'm looking forward to playing the new update! Thank you!