Took quite a few tries, but in the end I managed to pay my debt! I must say, the controls for this game was perfect. I find it a common thing for quite a few jam-plattformers is the rage-quit because "I know I timed my jump perfectly", but the times I died here I did not feel the need to blame the game rather than myself, which is why it felt so easy - and fun - to make another try!
At first I thought I would've preferred some sort of life thing, where you didn't have to restart from the beginning when you where -so close- to the end but managed to mushroom yourself into a spike. But after a few tries, where you got to know the level, it felt as if the game was perfectly fine without it.
This is absolutely one of the top plattform games in this jam. The style, the animation and the sounds fit very well together. Very good job! :D