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No need to apologize, I know that stuff can get tricky :) Concerning version: yes, that is the one I use (fresh download from main game page). Concerning WASD key, I keep trying them, but no effect; here is key config menu:
That arrow keys thing may be relevant here, if they are supposed to be used in menu; right now both movement keys and arrows work in menu

That's so very strange... i wonder do you have any Gaming peripherals connected? because for the life of me i cant understand why its doing that. The only final thing is to confirm no USB controllers, joysticks, wheels, etc connected as they can sometimes confuse the game

After that only 2 things i could suggest until i think about it more is.

1 try using a controller if available, almost any usb one will work.

2 try using a different computer.

Both of these aren't exactly the best solution