Please don't take anything I say here personally, because I think there's potential here, but the game needs a lot more work put into it.
It does offer some fun for a while, and there are some cool heroes to collect, but with the current gameplay, it could get stale very quickly. To not beat about the bush - the maps are awful. Not that much effort was put into them, and it shows. No obstacles, or animals, or trees. Not even any flowers, it's just grass and mountains. Though I suppose it fits with the simplistic gacha gameplay I've seen in other games. In my opinion, if you have an "auto" button in your game, chances are the combat is not very fun. I don't think that's true in this case, because the combat is not bad, but it definitely needs some improvement. I really appreciated the fact that a chicken is this overpowered creature. It made me die of laughter. But as much as I love 'collecting waifus', this game needs more... game... in it. The foundation is all there, it just needs a lot of polish. God knows it's the same with my submission.