The previous VERSION when the discipline was between 31 to 40 then the grades would increase but the latest version did not increase, there was a BUG in the Amy goes to swim event, the popularity did not increase at all despite the writing (popularity +1). I hope the dungeons and dragons event can add 1 popularity to make it easier to collect popularity. If I knew this I would not delete the old version but the memory is almost full so what can I do. I often play again from the beginning again so I hope the next update the grades can increase again like before.
Now what is the requirement for the number of disciplines so that the grades goes up???
Or is it not possible now???
I just realized because previously during replay I used cheats, and when I didn't use cheats I forgot about this until I read a guide which reminded me that previously the grades would increase when disciplined between 31 to 40.