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I like the maps, they're nice and vibrant. The title is pretty as well. Unfortunately I don't think it's a game for me. It definitely has some humour in it, but it's a bit too in your face and obnoxious for my taste. Almost every character in the game speaks like one of the ladies from Mean Girls. And it's like, so like... weeeeiiird. I think if you pointed out cliches in anime and games in a tad more subtle manner, this game would gain a lot from it.


Hello! thanks in advance for taking your time in testing our first game, in fact i wanted to recreate the same style of Monkey Island Or Thimbleweed Park but in the end it wont result as i expected, for the next project we´are taking the feedback for making it much better, we really apreciate your opinion, thank you so much ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )