Made it through, bug and crash free! Always a relief. I thought the art was really good, and the front view combat with battlers was a nice touch. I'd love to see that style developed for future games! Lots of things I'm sure you could make happen with time. I'd be happy to show you some action sequences you could use to create the illusion of characters moving away.
Length seemed about right if players don't fight too much. I chose hard and I was still typically able to spam the same magic to win.
- Combat needs more diversity! I'd love to see more strategy than elements, buffs, and attack.
-Garret carries the whole team. He's OP while the rest of the group is just there.
-Reflect is a bit OP too. It let me totally wreck bosses on hard with very little leveling. How about reflect on just one character and not many?
- Frontview battle is cool, but I'm sure you can see some of the default action sequencing needs some adjusting to make it more natural and fluid.
Keep jamming Rose!