y your embarrassing me >w<
well good then, i gotta catch up on embarrassing you now dont i?
o ok you win
win what exactlyyy, im just being me darling ;3
-sets head against your neck and kisses it-
t that kinda tickles
-smiles- well good to know then, -kiss your neck more, setting you on my lap while sitting down-
-rubs your back, licking your neck a little- soft as ever TvT
(Conner)*Walks in* woah wt-
don't say it
-laughs- how come that always happens when im doing this? -v-
s stop you are m m making me horny
Ooo, good to hear~ -smiles and licks your neck again-
heheh stop it!
whaaat? can i not touch my beloved? -laughs a bit-