shit, okay the expensive thing isnt a problem but whats with the experimental shit?! and how is it logged too deep, ITS LIKE TWO CENTIMETERS BIG!
*looking at him with a wtf face*
(M) h h hey I’m ok with either
-sarcastically- aaaand what if the "experimental" stuff turns you into a damn super mutant?
(m) *weak laughing *
I mean it’s in too deep that he can’t see out of that eye anymore
ooooh, so whats the second option gonna fucking do, huh? MAGICALLY give his sight back!?
sir THERES no need to be rude
whatever, just take the damn thing out, if it has no use there's no point in having it! and YES, there is a reason to because NOW MY FRIEND IS HALF BLIND!
*2 weeks later * *sleeping in hospital *
-sleeping on a chair- z..z..z
*wakes up* ngh… hhm something feels off
(Rocky)*Walks in*
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