bucketlist of fixes ill try to do before the next jam start, list is organize on priority
- make the notes more obvious(press n to see notebook maybe, also a fisical note on desk)- copy fnaf cof cof, i mean take inspiration on how that game scale the spooks per nights
- learn how2door ( maybe even do fancy stuff like show that the door is locked
- fix the hidin under desk thing
- ajust the shader (make a slider in option if i can, if not just cut in half the opacity of screen effect)
- add more models, sounds, music, and stuff to make game pretty
not on any priority but ill make em alongside
- send it in compress folder to avoid problems related to .rar files
- make a hud with useful intel, like how many statues you destroy, status of a room, a clock and other visual guides
- make double sure things are clearly communicated,typos fixed and words are organized in propper english