Battle Rigs: Does it Sail or Sink? Review by Steve T.
Battle Rigs is a game that harkens back to my days of playing Battleship at a friend's house. Oh the glorious hours we spent pretending that we were war generals and going about, exploding each others vessels . . . Very nostalgic, and that's what Battle Rigs does in its own way. It invokes that feeling of nostalgia for old tactical styled naval games.
So let's get the elephant out the room right away . . . The game's graphics are passable. They're serviceable in their own right as you can clearly tell what ship is supposed to be what, but the textures are just murder on the eyes. They're muddy, pixelated, and low resolution, but that doesn't mean the game itself is bad quite the contrary.
The game controls are fairly simple, all you do is click in the direction of an enemy and you're ship will automatically make its way over and attack. It works great in execution, but it does get boring not having any direct control over your ship. Though despite it's rather lackluster apparence, the game's got pretty good sound design. The battle track is surprisingly catchy and the explosion noises are realistically enough as to where I can't tell if it's stock sound or not.
I made my way through ten levels, including fighting this game's boss The Pirate King. Nothing terribly challenging, but the later levels do force you to strategize a bit, rather than tap and wait for the victory screen.
So in conclusion, I liked it. It's by no means a bad game, it's just a little unpolished and in need of a more engaging control scheme. This game would be just about perfect if you were able to actually control your ship's movement and attack, but I digress. For what it is in its current state? It's not too bad. If you can get over the rather bland visuals and unengaging control scheme, then you'll enjoy this. We give this game 3.5 stars out of 5
Battle Rigs is available on the Google Play store as well as on this site.