Thank you for the comment!
So, that actually is a bug which under certain conditions could kind of mess up things later on in the game. I noticed the bug on the 0.1.1 version and corrected it on the 0.2.0 version, so if that happened to you the reasons are that:
- You still have the version with the bug not fixed (in the title screen under the game logo you can check the current version of the game to be sure)
- When you updated the game you were already inside the secret level (though the events should override as well in theory but I cannot be sure enough about it). If this is the case, using a saved file before entering Polka's level should be enough. If you have no other saved files then in this case, I guess you can go ahead and try finish the game, but I'm pretty sure some other stuff could go wrong
- If you have the game in the latest version and you are able to access the Polka stage again, then beat the secret boss and you return anyways to the Nene Stage, then there's still the bug somehow and then I'd like to have more info to find out the bug (0what character you chose at the beginning, what levels after the Subaru one did you clear before stumping into Polka's)
Once again, thank you and I hope it's just a matter of getting the latest version of the game!
Please let me know how things go, and thank you for keep playing!